Architecture (Latin architectura, from Greek ἀρχιτέκτων arkhitekton "architect", from ἀρχι- "chief" and τέκτων "builder") is both the process and the product of planning, designing and constructing buildings and physical structures. Architectural history studies how architecture has evolved over the centuries and in many different landscapes and cultures. Classical architecture begins in ancient Mesopotamia, followed by Egyptian architecture and the Greek civilizations.
722 BC Nineveh - Iraq
500 BC Paestum - Italy
353 BC Halicarnassos - Turkey
2nd BC Pergamon - Turkey
2nd BC Temple of Edfu - Egypt
1st BC Maison Carrée - Nimes - France
1st BC Roman Theater
1st BC Roman Castellum
273 AD Baälbek - Lebanon
532 AD Hagia Sophia - Istanbul - Turkey
549 AD Church – Ravenna - France
1150 Cathedral – Pisa - Italy
1200 Nôtre
Dame – Paris - France
1289 City Council – Siena - Italy
1296 Cathedral – Florence - Italy
1309 Doge's Palace – Venice - Italy
1350 City Council – Münster - Germany
1377 Belfort – Brugge - Belgium
1396 Château de Pierrefonds - Villers-Cotterêts - France
1446 Cambridge – England
1552 Villa Farnese - Caprarola - Italy
1559 Escurial – Madrid - Spain
1619 Børsen Copenhagen Stock Exchange - København - Denmark
1635 Mauritshuis – Den Haag - Holland - The Netherlands
Château de Maisons - Laffitte - France
1658 S. Andrea
– Rome - Italy
1680 Honington Hall – Stratford on Avon - England
1700 Belvédère – Wien - Austria
1705 Blenheim – England
Zwinger – Dresden - Germany
1742 Mount
Vernon - Virginia - United States of America
Amalienburg – München - Germany
Newport Colony House - Rhode Island - United States
1905 Casa
Mila – Barcelona - Spain
1922 City Council – Stockholm - Sweden
1930 Pavillon
Suisse Cité Universitaire – Paris - France
Fallingwater – Pennsylvania - United States
1943 Church –
1957 Opera
House - Sydney - Australia
Palace of Assembly – Chandigarh – India
1963 School
of Art Yale University - Connecticut - United States
1978 Lloyds
Building – London - United Kingdom
Petronas Twin Towers - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
2008 Burj Khalifa - Dubai - United Arab Emirates